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The unique features of the CheckWise App


Unlike other scanner apps on the market, the CheckWise app also works independently of the barcode by analyzing the list of ingredients for allergens.
This makes the result much more reliable than just the barcode, which often contains no or incorrect information. Instead of huge, opaque databases, we provide fast, reliable results.


Using the CheckWise App is quick, easy and intuitive. The chosen product is scanned, the app detects possible allergens in food or cosmetics and users receive the result on their smartphone screen within seconds. The CheckWise App thus makes shopping easy, healthy and safe for allergy sufferers, caregivers or people who want to shop more consciously.


The CheckWise app detects the 14 declarable allergens in food and the ingredients in cosmetics and care products (INCI's) in DEU, ENG and NL.The scan tells users directly whether the scanned product contains the selected allergens. In addition, the app also shows all other allergens that the product contains, even if they have not been marked in the personal allergy profile.


The CheckWise App only collects anonymous data. The users decide for themselves,
whether they want to share the data with us or not. Why do we want our users to share the anonymous data with us? The scan data is an important support for medical research in the field of allergies and furthermore incentives for the economy to expand the allergy-free product world. 

Download CheckWise

Download the beta version of our CheckWise app now to help our developers make the app even better!

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Logo CheckWise blue 500x500 with claim mi

The story behind CheckWise

During the last preparations for a Highland trip with friends, food and snacks had to be bought for the long journey. We went shopping together in a supermarket and the shopping cart filled up quickly. Too fast for one of my friends. Every packaged product was scrutinized, the small print studied, the ingredients list checked for allergens and additives. So the shopping, for those of us not affected, dragged on endlessly and impatience and insight became the inspiration for the development of the CheckWise App - and the rest is history, as they say.

Our vision is to improve the quality of life of people with food- and contact allergies by making allergy-free and healthy shopping easier. Identifying allergens in packaged food should be as easy as taking pictures with your smartphone camera. But we do not want to limit ourselves to food allergies. That's why our app also detects allergens found in cosmetics and personal care products. 

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Health & Wise

The CheckWise App is a product of Health & Wise GmbH.

Since 2017 Health & Wise GmbH develops

digital health solutions - including
Smartphone apps and Big Data applications,

to improve medical care
and health care of female patients

and patients contribute.


Health & Wise GmbH​

Schönhauser Allee 163

10435 Berlin



Ph: +49.(0)30.440 171 60, M: +49.(0)151.235 650 94.

Managing Director: Urs Kuckertz, Erik t’ Sas

Medical and Scientific Advise:

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Torsten Zuberbier

Amtsgericht Berlin (Charlottenburg), HRB: 183662 B

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